Ted Axe Interview

Check out this interview with Ted Axe!
Take us through the writing process
I pick up my guitar and play!Sometimes for a hours...Nada! But then I may get a cool chord progression or riff.I will record that on a portable cassette recorder(if it was good enough for The Beatles,it's good enough for me!)Then I'll start to sing ideas and melodies and record what I have.It might even be gibberish just something that sounds like it goes with the music.If I need to go out,I'll edit and re edit in my head and record again when I get back.This process can tale an hour or days!I'll reedit on paper until a story starts to engage and make sense.I have been lucky enough to have even dreamt songs while asleep as was the case in "Heaven" off my new album at Sex Horror Violence, by Ted Axe  

How do you feel about social media and its influence over the music industry?
Without social media,this interview would not exist nor the amazing amount of airplay I am getting nor this album!I wouldn't be able to get any shows or interviews.Face book event pages can be misleading however as we seem to rely on them to get people out to see bands but those people say they are coming but they are actually still online! The impact on the music biz is huge and is just beginning. What I don't like about it are all clones..on our phones looking down missing what's around,And I don't like paying for a band contest or a show or to be signed to a PR co with vague promises

Favorite Bands?
Dead rock stars and old bands are my favs...Bowie,James Brown and old soul,TRex,NY Dolls,Alice Cooper Band,Beatles.The Stooges,The Sex Pistols.I also like 80s dance (or 80s club music)

Best thing about creating music in 2018?
This new album was released on NY Day and it is growing in listeners daily. I like the fact that I find it easy to write a song a week and that I am still blessed to be able to do it full time...creating music,playing,recording,performing,.doing interviews...It's all part of it in my 2018!

Strangest thing that ever happened at a gig?
Pride Seattle at The Queerfest Festival I played.Last song two naked dudes get up on stage and become go go dancers and the all hell breaks loose...everybody comes up on stage,the stage manager stops the show! see it on this video..  Nighttime at PRIDE (Seattle)

Any subject matter you would not write about?
Anything that takes my fancy.No rules,No excuses,No censorship.

The Donald is like an egomaniac rock star getting away with everything and making things appear bigger than they are.Bad press is good press if we're reading it.His presidency is the logical outcome of our obsession with fame.Poor Mr Clinton was raked over the coals for far less.

Where do you see yourself in Ten years?
I'll be doing the same thing.Promoting an album.writing,recording,performing.Maybe I'll be  massive,maybe I won't ...who cares as long as I'm still in the game.It's the journey...not the destinations that matters.I'm living the dream.

Name a band you would love to tour with
 Maybe Alice Cooper,The New York Dolls or The Rolling Stones.
What has been the most challenging aspect of being a musician?
Finding a guitar that bloody stays in tune! Getting amazing players who understand IMage! Finding people to work with who aren't abusive tyrants.Riding the vast information highway when I'm computer illiterate compared to any 15 year old.

Where do you see the future of music going?
I think I will increasingly start to dislike popular music,black music and rock and metal in the future. Never before have we been on such an un-awe inspiring path to musical muzak. It will become increasingly about catering to a 3 second attention span,numbers of likes,hits and units sold. Pop stars will become younger and younger as the youth market is exploited.It is and will be even more about money. Overproduction rules as we all believe the lies we see on TV and want to live them.Bland escapism will be the order of the day and true Rock and Roll,Real Rock and Roll,well I shall always keep it alive!Oh Yeah and Kim Kardashian will put out an album.

Is there life on mars?
Yeah and the martians dig Ted Axe!

Anything you want to say to the fans?
Check out the new album and the 1st of new videos I will be posting.Here is a video for "Get Out of Rehab"-  https://youtu.be/t4g9MHfknv0 !Come and see the spectacle that is Ted Axe when I perform in your town!

Thanks very much Bryan! 
More info & music @ www.tedaxe.bandcamp.com


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