Age Of Embers Interview

"The world needs less songs about anger and more songs about drinking beer with dragons". Age Of Embers is a tremendously talented female fronted New England based band. So rare to find a band of this caliber in my own backyard. They took some time to answer a few questions. Enjoy! Tell us about rehearsals Right now we rehearse once a week, usually on a weeknight. Practices are in a small apartment, sitting on a couch. We rarely get the chance to practice live, and itās always with an electric drum kit. Really low-budget. Take us through the writing process? Does everyone contribute? We usually start with Katrina writing the lyrics and vocal melodies or other parts. Then the rest of the band fills in their parts around her arrangement and song structure. Most of us write our own parts for most of the songs. There are exceptions when someone gets creative, however. Do you make money at gigs/how do you generate income? We ma...