Interview with Sinner's Row

Members answering: James - Vocals & Lead Guitar, Steph - Rhythm Guitar, Gordon - Bass and backing vocals, Leo - Drums

First and fore most who came up with the name:   
That's a funny story because we were stressing about it for weeks. Gordon and myself (James) had gone back and forth with 100 different names. We were at lunch with my girlfriend Ashley one day and we were like.. Saints and Sinnners.. no that's taken.. Saints Row is a game.. then Ashley piped up "Sinner's Row?" and Gordon and I looked at each other like.. hmm.. maybe? So we slept on it for a day and it still felt right so we went with it.

 How would you describe your music? 
Gordon - Old school thrash/grove metal with a modern edge to it
Leo - I think its heavy, melodic and full of groove. The drum sound is very important to me as it is the foundation of the band. If my drums aren’t tuned properly, the overall sound of the band is affected in a negative way. We want our audience to not just hear the music, but we want them to feel it as well.
James – I always say it’s just old school metal.. Big-4-influenced thrash.

Take us through the writing process. Does everyone contribute? 
Gordon - Lyrically it’s James and myself, my writing style is more of a story and then James and I work the lyrics into the proper cadence so it fits the music. Musically it’s everyone in the band working together as a team.

Leo - I don’t really contribute to the lyric writing process. I pretty much stick to writing the drum tracks for all of the songs. My current schedule doesn’t allow me to contribute at this time. Just really busy with other stuff.
James – One of us will come up with an idea and bring it in. For lyrics thus far it’s been Gordon or myself, or our old buddy Anthony working with us. Gordon usually starts with a stream of consciousness idea and lets the words flow, then we massage it into the music we think matches the feel. Me, I start with a melody or vocal cadence in my head and work from that.
Something in your personal music collections that fans might not expect?  
 Steph – Wham
Gordon - NWA, Ice Cube, Alabama, Kenny Rogers, Enya and Lorrena Mckinnett and Irish Folk Music, just to name a few.
Leo - A few Jazz, Blues, and Country albums. I grew up on Country music and later Rock. I really got into Jazz in high school due to the odd time signature’s and timing, and with Country music I learned how to play with finesse.   Then I heard YYZ for the first time, and it all came together.
James – Panic! At the Disco.. I’m a big fan of Urie’s vocals and writing. Bob Schneider, another great songwriter from Austin.
What has been the most challenging aspect of being a musician 
Steph - Being unique
Gordon - Since I have only been playing bass for 3 years, its been getting better at playing, understanding what I'm playing and why the chords work or don't work.
Working a full time job and playing gigs can be challenging at time as well.
Leo - I think balancing the different genres and styles of music that I enjoy playing. I’m a fan of music, and I will try to play just about anything on drums and make it sound cool!
James – Music/Work/Life balance for sure, and trying to constantly improve and evolve. Stagnation is death in my view. So I’m always working on what can I do to level up.
What makes a perfect song for you? What are the elements for your ears? 
 Steph - Incorporating the melody of the song. Anyone can play fast, but the beauty of music is when you are able to make it melodic
Gordon - It's a song you can feel not just hear, when the lyrics and the melody match up and you have to song along.
Leo - I’ve never really thought about what makes a perfect song for me. A good song for me is one that tells a really good story, and I can hear all of the instruments involved in their own unique way through the emotional 10 minute high!
James – Storytelling and being memorable. You have to balance inspiring emotion through your story and that little special something that makes it stick in the mind. It’s not easy. I aspire to that one day. Chris Stapleton said in an interview once that if writing a hit song was easy, cuz it pays well, everyone would do it.
Favorite local club to perform in? 
Steph - BFE (Only one i've done lol)
Gordon, Leo, and JamesAcadia Bar & Grill in North Houston, Tommy is one of the best sound gurus in Houston!
Name one band that you would love to tour with? 
Steph and Leo – Metallica
Gordon - There are so many, but one I know for sure is Amon Amarth since Slayer is retiring
James – Testament. True legends and seemingly such down to earth dudes.
Strangest thing that ever happened at a gig 
Gordon - Nothing really strange has happened yet, but my strap came off my bass and I had to play the rest of the song holding it, not strange but embarrassing
Leo - When I was with The Badd Boys From Houston Tejas back in 94, we opened up for a touring band at Headbangers. Well those dudes were stoned out of their minds and were playing like shit! So the promoter shut them down, and asked us to finish the show.
James – We were playing a show in Beaumont and we blew a breaker mid-set. Had to move everything over to another circuit.. that was pretty funny.
Is social media a positive or negative impact on your music? 
Steph - Positive. Social media is a way to get our music heard and recognized by the metal fans out there
Gordon - Both, getting your band out there to the masses is always a positive thing, but having to live within the constraints and rules they have can be a problem.  You live or die by what is seen or heard on your page, but that's a very small part of your total works.  If they don't like what they hear it likely they won't listen to anything else the might fall in love with.
Leo - I can’t really say, cuz I’m really not into social media. But I think it can only be positive if the music is really good. I think it’s negative when drama and rants get involved.
James – Good for indy musicians overall. You can promote yourself and get your music out there, the hard part is standing out among the flood.
Any subject matter you will not write about? 
 Steph and James – Politics
Gordon - Me personally no, I have no issues writing about anything.
Leo - My family! We are very private and we like it that way!
Anything you would like to say to your fans? 
Steph - Thanks for supporting Sinner's Row and rock on

Gordon - Thank you from the bottom of my heart, without the fans there would be no reason to play.  I am always humbled by the fact that someone is into what I have had a hand in creating and I will forever be grateful.

Leo - We are dedicated to writing and recording the best material for everyone!  Unfortunately that takes time, but time is what we have.

James – Just all the love and thanks I can muster. Our fans make it fun to jump on stage and I’m in awe and humbled every time I hear someone say how a riff or a chorus stuck in their head for a day. Audience is everything for a musician.. so thank you, thank you. › Pages › Public Figure › Musician/Band › Sinner's Row


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