Cry Of the Wolf Magazine Interview With ONE IN THE CHAMBER

Toronto's ONE IN THE CHAMBER is a perfect composition of rock swagger and full on hard rock groove. These guys know when to pull the trigger and when to walk away. Their sound is their own and they are taking no prisoners. "I've Got Bills To Pay" is an incredible searing salute to the future of modern rock and roll. Check this band out. This band gets 9/10 wolf Howls


1. Take us through your mindset when composing your songs. Does everyone contribute?
Gerrod: All four of us are songwriters and contribute to everything we do. Normally it starts with one of us bringing in an idea, a riff or something, and then it evolves in the practice room. We’ll jam on it until it becomes something that we never thought it would after the initial idea.
Christian: We all come from different musical backgrounds, so we sometimes clash in our songwriting, but in the end, I think that’s what makes our songs sound unique.
2. Being compared to Led Zeppelin and Motley Crue as well as others..does it add pressure to your writing or is it more of an inspiration?
Gerrod: This is the coolest thing for me. I don’t think it adds pressure to us, we’re certainly inspired by these and many other artists, but we are always trying to keep things exciting. We aren’t here to rehash the past, we just wanted to make a record that we would want to listen to.

3. are you active with social media and do you see it as a positive or negative force in music today
Gerrod: It’s what they’d call a double-edged sword. It’s never been easier to get your music heard, but now, everyone and their mum has a band.
4. What inspired you initially to become a musician
Gerrod: I’ve been listening to rock bands like The Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, Zeppelin, and The Stones all my life, but it was watching Chad Smith at a drum clinic which made me want to take drumming seriously. That and the girls.
Christian: I remember watching Metallica's “Live Shit: Binge & Purge”, when I was a kid, and being absolutely blown away by the show. I wanted to be just like them, so I quickly picked up guitar and drums after that, and then eventually, bass. The girls came after.
5. what has been the most rewarding aspect of making music for you
Gerrod: Playing live always brings an unparalleled feeling - some shows more than others, but it’s always there. It’s also just incredible to have our music out there; it’s real and it's out there for someone to hear it.
Christian: There's no better feeling than having a crowd reciprocate the same energy you're giving out, on stage. When they're feeling it, then the show is that much better. Putting out “I've Got Something To Say…” has also been tremendously rewarding for us. To see all of our hard work and planning come together is a great feeling.
6. What has been the hardest part of being a modern musician
Gerrod: Getting attention and maintaining momentum while remaining entirely independent. It’s a steep curve, but I think we’ve caught on.

7. Something in your music collection we would not expect
Gerrod: Hip-Hop. Wu Tang Clan has been on steady repeat all year. Just today alone, I went from Sound garden to Prince and then to Ice Cube. It’s always an interesting mix.
8. Strangest thing you have ever experienced at a gig
Christian: At one of our last gigs, a really drunk guy started doing push ups on the front of the stage. He did it a bunch of times that night.
Gerrod: That was wild! Dude was a tank
9. Where do you see the future of music and performance heading?For more info, here is our website:
Gerrod: I don’t think anything can replace the real thing when it comes to performance. We leave our house to hear music live because we crave the human interaction, the danger, we want to see the safety net removed. As for music, I think we are entering a rock & roll sort of revival and while Greta Van Fleet may be the hot new thing, there is plenty of amazing independent bands making waves every day.
10. Are holograms OK with you?
Gerrod: I think that’s about as lame as it gets; I think live shows are supposed to thrill the audience. There should be a sense of danger or unpredictability to it. Holograms are far to calculated. I’ll take the records every time.
Christian: I think they're creepy as hell.
11. Anything you wish to convey to your fans
Gerrod: We are always so grateful for each and every one of them. Thank you for making our 2018 so fantastic and here’s to an even bigger and better 2019.
For more info, here is our website:


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