PSYCLE Interview Providence, Rhode Island Rock And Roll Band

PSYCLE Interview Providence, Rhode Island based rock band, PSYCLE is one of the areas best original groups. Their sound, a mixture of hard rock and country tinged rock is a breath of fresh local air. With two EPs under their belts, this seasoned band is ready to take their music to the next level. Check out PSYCLE on facebook and their web site. They will not be local for long!!! First and fore most who came up with the name: PSYCLE ? Psycle came about right before our first show back in 2000. We were asked by a promoter what our band name was and we hadn’t even discussed it. The idea of things coming full circle and getting what you give is something that has always fascinated me. Karma is on my mind often and I have always believed that if you put good things into the universe it will find its way back to you. Unfortunately, the universe doesn’t believe in time management hahahahha You have an almost country rock flav...