Hammerfall/Flotsam and Jetsam concert review, Worcester Palladium 5/25/2018

    The Palladium in Worcester Mass is a great venue to see a show, especially a metal show. Tow acts: Hammerfall and Flotsam and Jetsam, one stage, Hundreds of metal hungry fans old and young alike. First band to take the stage was the sonically brutal, bare knuckles, Heavy metal icons, Flotsam and Jetsam. They tore apart the stage with sheer precision like a highly sharpened sword. This is true American metal, fast and furious. Hearkening back to their earlier speed metal and thrash roots, Flotsam delivered a soul searing set of old hits and new surprises.

     We pushed our way as close to the stage as we could get, the excitement building. The stage goes black and this venue explodes in power metal ferocity. Hammerfall appears out of the darkness, like the viking Gods of old, tearing and slashing across the stage. They came here to raise the hammer of metal high above the sky and they did. Racing into such classics as "Hector's Hymn", "Renegade", and "Bloodbound" they found an equally responsive crowd singing and chanting along. Even a few pits opened up, complete with crowd surfing. Which by the looks on the bands faces they were not expecting.

     The bands performance was direct and real. Nothing stands between the band and their fans. Amazingly they kept pumping out killer song after killer song. No fillers from a band that has been around for a long time. Leaving us finally spent with the encore,"Hearts On Fire". The singable chorus echoing even now in my head as I write this.

 If you do one thing this summer, catch this band on the road. They told us they would not be back until after the next album in about 2 years. I for one cannot wait to see this incredible band live again.

10/10 Wolf Howls for both bands!!!
Cry Of The Wolf Magazine


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