
Hellspeak The Slaughter Rule Of Agony Marc Lopes---Vocals Matt Leff-------Guitar Chris Rapoza--Bass Jason Bittner---Drums Normally when I listen to a new album to review I sit back and let the computer speakers handle it. For this particular release I thought it would be best to get in my car and drive. The music exploded from my car speakers and it was good and it was loud and it is metal. Hellspeak delivers on a scale that should propel them to a national spotlight. Hellspeak has recorded one of the best metal albums I have heard from a local artist. The mastermind behind this molten metal masterpiece is Marc Lopes. Truly he is a fan of metal as well as a performer extraordinaire. From his social media postings to his other metal side projects which include a vocal slot in the band Meliah Rage, Marc Lopes is metal. Hands down. And once again a New England Metal tone to the over all recording.That certain tone that only bands from the...